The Antics of The Oreo Cat
The Antics of The Oreo Cat
by Robert Hudson

The Oreo Cat has been showing the world the joys of being a cat and the crazy antics caught on video have made his fans adore him. He has the help of two other goof balls: Onyx and Pudding. Together they make a comedy trio that will bring a little sunshine to your cloudy day.

Pudding is 2 years old and the baby of the group who likes to be the trouble maker cat with crazy antics.

Six year old Onyx
Onyx is the lady of the house and quite the little princess.
“Oreo is the King. He’s the boss but also a real drama queen. Onyx is a ninja. Pudding, well, Pudding is crazy,” according to Tina Modugno, the cat moma.
Tina has been busy building their media empire. 2.2 million followers on Tik Tok and 3.6 million on Likee, over 300k on Facebook and 162k on Instagram.
Antics of The Oreo Cat
Tina Likes to take her cats on walks and outdoor adventures. “Oreo and Pudding enjoy it. Onyx is too scared. I enjoy taking them for walks around the neighborhood and to my dad’s garden. I think they really enjoy it as well”. Some people worry their cats will not accept a leash and harness. According to Tina Oreo and Pudding took to it immediately with no reluctance.

Little Oreo was found as a stray kitten that wandered onto the yard of Tina’s brother in laws parents home. “Oreo has changed my life forever and brought me endless joy and laughter. My life would not be complete without him. He is a very special cat. Oreo has brought out the best in me and has inspired me to be creative in ways I never thought possible. “