Podcast: Marooned With 20 Dogs in Houston

A riveting interview with Betty Walter, a young woman caught in the hurricane and aftermath marooned with 20 dogs in her care and refused to leave until rescuers were willing to take all her dogs. She shares that when the water reached four feet in her home, she decided to move the dogs one at a time to higher ground. “I put one is a cooler to carry it. When my feet could no longer reach the ground, the carrier lost my grip and flipped over in the water, and I almost drowned”.
“People left dogs in their homes because they thought they could come back to get them, but they would not let people return to get them…they would not let us back.”
Marooned With 20 Dogs
This is an amazing story that is not over yet. This podcast is a special report of people coming together to help each other and animals that cannot help themselves. Please listen to this podcast and learn how you can help this amazing woman who is getting overwelmed to say the least.
“I lost everything.” Her home is unliveable.
You can help Betty financially via paypal: paypal.me/betty23