Missing Dog Herding Sheep
Missing dog herding sheep on a farm is doing what it was bred for. This is a happy ending dog news story that will make your day.

Dog news-dog news story Linda and Mike Oswald were on their way home to Washington on a highway in northern Idaho when another car slammed into them. Their dog Tilly, a 2-year-old border collie and red heeler mix, was ejected out of the car through the broken back window.
Tilly panicked and took off running. “I tore off after him, but he soon disappeared and we couldn’t find him,” Ms Oswald told reporters. “We spent the next 10 hours looking for him and I was worried I’d never see him again. I was so upset — Tilly’s my baby.”
Some people who were driving by when the accident happened stopped and helped search for Tilly into the wee hours of the morning to no avail. The Oswalds continued looking for ten hours and put up signs throughout the area before heading home.
Word got out on social media throughout the area, and the police put out a notice. The next day three brothers on their sheep farm noticed their dog herding sheep looked a little different. On closer examination discovered it was Tilly having a ball doing what he was bred for. The local Sherriff was out looking and happened by the farm and picked up the dog.
Happy Ending for Missing Dog Herding Sheep
“As soon he came home, I ran out to give Tilly adding that Tilly was unharmed in the accident. “I think he was a little mad that he’d been left on the prairie for 48 hours. He ran straight inside the house and started drinking water from the toilet.” Such a good boy. Doing what he loves.