How to Choose a Rabbit Carrier for Transport
How to Choose a Rabbit Carrier for Transport.
by John Woods

Rabbits are fragile and traveling can be a stressful event for them. Changes in environment or temperature, sudden movement or noise, and being observed by unfamiliar people or animals stress rabbits out. They also scare easily and can go into shock or have a heart attack because of it, and that can prove to be fatal to them.
How to Choose a Rabbit Carrier for Transport
Therefore, special care must be taken when transporting them. As the owner, you should also do your research and be aware of how to carry your rabbit in a carrier when outside, so as to not cause them any discomfort.
There is a wide range of rabbit carriers available online, as well as in pet shops. When it comes to choosing a rabbit carrier, you could be spoilt for choice with carriers of all shapes, sizes, colors and made of any material from plastic, metals, to lightweight wood and fabrics.
Your top priority, though, should be your rabbit’s safety and comfort. Whether you’re taking them to the vet or on vacation with you, a proper carrier is a must.
Several factors that have to be taken into account to help you choose the best rabbit carrier for transport. They are enumerated below.
Size of the Carrier
Depending on the size and breed of your rabbit, a carrier should ideally be spacious. It should be large enough for the rabbit to be able to change position during the trip, stand up, and lie down. Although smaller than its normal enclosure, your rabbit should be able to enter it easily and move about freely. At the same time, it should not be so large that your rabbit is slammed into the sides when moving.
You may choose a carrier with a built-in secluded compartment, with proper ventilation, where the rabbit can hide if scared. Line the bottom with an absorbent material to absorb urine and its odor.
How to Choose a Rabbit Carrier for Transport– Safety of your Rabbit
It should be sturdy and durable enough to prevent the rabbit from escaping. A scared rabbit will try to bolt out and try to find a better hiding place. The bottom of the carrier should be solid without any holes or grids, to prevent injuries. You may place a blanket or towel in the bottom to prevent your rabbit from slipping and injuring itself. Make sure the carrier is stable and properly balanced to avoid tipping and falling.
Carriers with solid sides with a single door on the side are safest for nervous rabbits. However, you must make sure it has adequate ventilation holes.
Allow the Rabbit to Feel Secure and Protected
How to Choose a Rabbit Carrier for Transport- Wild rabbits live in burrows under the ground where it is cool and dark. They do this to protect themselves from predators as well as exposure to the natural elements. Therefore, the carrier should allow good ventilation but at the same time protect against rain, wind, and direct sunlight. It should always be covered so that the inside is in relative darkness. This will help your rabbit feel safe and secure and thus stay calmer.
Carriers with a solid top and bottom with one solid and one mesh side are good options. Some can be opened from the top as well as the side. This will make your rabbit feel secure as opposed to one made entirely of mesh wire. It is easy to put your rabbit in and let it out and let you check on it frequently. It is important to choose a material that your rabbit cannot chew through.
Make Sure There is Enough Air Ventilation
Rabbits have dense fur and can only sweat through their ears. They are therefore very prone to overheating. Even a few hours in a hot environment can cause a heat stroke that can be fatal. Therefore it is very important to choose a carrier with good ventilation. A carrier with solid sides, top, and bottom and a single opening will get very warm, very quickly in warm weather, or if left in direct sunlight.
To avoid this, you may choose one with sturdy mesh frame sides that will allow ample air to flow through it. Make sure you lay a blanket or thick mat on the bottom to avoid injuries. Additionally, you may keep the air conditioner running in order to regulate the temperature.
Accessibility is a Big Factor
As mentioned before, rabbits scare easily and can be stressed due to any changes in their environment. In such a situation, a rabbit will try to hide in the furthest corner of the carrier and refuse to come out. Especially in a new environment like a veterinary clinic with new sounds and smells all around.
In such cases, a carrier that can be opened from the top, as well as the side, is the best option. These allow more access if your rabbit is pushed up against the back. You can simply lift it out from the top but very carefully. Having multiple doors also makes it easier to clean.
Enough Space for Provisions
You have to provide your rabbit with all basic needs during transportation. Make sure the carrier has enough space for that as well, especially if traveling over long distances. Your rabbit may not want to eat much anyway due to the stress of traveling. Provide something to snack on anyway, such as a piece of carrot or some hay. Make sure there’s enough drinking water to avoid dehydration. You may even include a favorite toy to make your rabbit feel more comfortable.
For traveling long distances, it is best to choose a carrier that has a fixed, tip-proof food bowl or dispenser and clips to attach water bottles from.
To Wrap Up
Transporting rabbits in carriers that have been used by other animals should be avoided. Rabbits are prey animals and larger animals such as cats and dogs are predators to them. A carrier that has the smell of a predator will stress out your rabbit. Therefore make sure the carrier is exclusively used by your rabbit.
With so many different types of carriers designed especially for rabbits, it is best to invest in a durable one. A cheaper alternative made from flimsy materials may cause potential harm or injury to your furry friend. Regardless of the type of carrier you choose, make sure you take adequate precautions. Ensure the carrier you choose is comfortable, safe, and will prevent escape.