How Much Does Pet Insurance Cost
How Much Does Pet Insurance Cost?

Every pet owner knows that they can be expensive. Unfortunately, a trip to the vet can cost a small fortune. So how much does pet insurance cost for your furry best friend?
The pet insurance cost can vary widely depending on the type of animal you have and your needs. To help explain the different options, we’ve rounded up all of the answers to your pet insurance questions below. As a pet lover, it’s important to know that your four-legged pal is covered.
How Much Does Pet Insurance Cost?
The cost of pet insurance can vary greatly. Pet pre existing conditions, their age, and the type of pet you have can all play a factor. The cost can also depend on what you’re looking to cover.
According to the North American Pet Health Insurance Association, insurance for dogs costs $16.17 to $48.78 per month. For cats, the cost averages $10.51 to $29.16 per month. The type of pet you have and the coverage plan, are the biggest differentiation.
The Different Types of Pet Health Insurance
Pet insurance helps to protect your wallet from emergency vet costs. Insurance plans can give you the peace of mind that your pet is given the best care possible. Finances are often a factor in deciding between expensive medical treatment and putting your pet down.
Three of the most common types of insurance are Accident and Illness, Accident-Only, and Wellness insurance. There are also plans for older pets as well as pets with pre-existing conditions.
Some insurance can even cover non-traditional expenses. Examples include care in foreign countries, third-party liability, rewards for missing pets, and memberships in pet communities.
What Does Pet Insurance Cover?
Plans that cover accidents and illness, will take care of an unexpected injury or major sickness. These plans will cover some of the costs of a life-changing disease, for example. Accident insurance will only cover the cost of an unforeseen accident. Wellness plans cover much of your routine or preventative care vet visits.
There are some plans which combine accident and wellness coverage. Most pet owners will likely only use insurance for sick visits, and routine wellness visits. Without accident insurance, however, you may pay out of pocket, if your pet breaks their leg.
Dental visits may also be covered in a wellness plan. You can also purchase separate dental plans if your pet is prone to teeth problems.
Pet Insurance Key Takeaways
Pet insurance can be a big relief in times of financial crisis. If you lose or job or a major accident comes up, you’ll know you’re covered. The cost can vary depending on the breed of your pet, their age, and the amount of coverage you’re looking for.
Pets are like family. Insurance can help make sure they are treated as such and offer peace of mind. For more great tips and resources, visit the health section.