Four Factors When Comparing Pet Insurance
Comparing pet Insurance – tips
by Tracy Welch

If you’ve been lucky enough to have had a furry friend in your life, be it cat, dog, or other furry creature, then you know what a lasting impact they can have on your life. The bonds and memories you form with a furry friend are unlike any other relationships. Their highly developed instincts make them the greatest allies during challenging times and their playfulness and sincerity the best companions.
Although we may wish to have our furry friends accompany us for the remainder of our lives, the fact is that most of us will inevitably outlive them. Their time is fleeting, though not without wholesome impact.
Providing the best care and comfort for our furry friends is therefore paramount to their quality of life and finding a good quality pet insurance can help you keep the cost of medical care affordable. Pet insurance cost is not one-size fits all. Like our furry friends, pet insurance cost comes in many breeds, shapes, and sizes. Comparing pet Insurance tips.
To help you make sense of it all, here are some tips and tricks you can take to find the best pet insurance care for your furry friend.
#1: Get to Know Your Furry Friend- Comparing Pet Insurance
Yep, that’s right! One of the first things you can do before choosing the right pet insurance cost for your furry friend is to get to know them really well. Wouldn’t it be great to be able to sit your furry friend down for a chat? Maybe in the future, but for now, what I mean is spending time researching your furry friend’s specific breed to discover what sorts of medical issues are common for them.
Certain breeds of cats and dogs, for example, are predisposed to medical issues due to genetics. These can include topical issues related to their ears, teeth, and mouths, as well as more internal issues such as certain cancers, mobility issues, and diseases.
This type of research may send many of us spiraling into an endless pit of “What Ifs?” that can make us worry about our furry friends’ wellbeing. But the more informed we are at the beginning, the more aware we’ll be of the type of care and expenses that may be needed when the time comes.
Being better informed will allow you to sort through the pet insurance cost choices to find a plan that’s best for you.
#2: Talk to Your Veterinarian
Finding a veterinarian you know and trust can be just as hard as finding the right pet insurance for your furry friend. Once you do find someone you trust with your furry friend’s care, talk to them about the research and findings you’ve done. A veterinarian can help contextualize many of the conditions and symptoms your furry friend may experience and can let you know what to look out for.
You can also ask a veterinarian what type of insurance plans they accept for the variety of treatments and procedures your furry friend may need in the future.
#3: Set a Budget
After speaking to your veterinarian and having a general sense of what pet insurance costs you may be looking at in the future, it’s time to think about your budget. A pet insurance plan is similar to individual medical care plans, meaning you’ll likely pay a monthly premium for care and have added costs or co-pays depending on the procedure.
Pet insurance costs typically consider your furry friends’ breed and age, offering care and coverage that will depend on the specific breed’s genetic dispositions. A basic care plan will usually cover routine care and emergencies, while a more comprehensive plan can include pet wellness visits, dental cleanings, vaccines, and spay/neuter procedures.
The important thing to consider is to plan well in advance – or as much as you can – of when you think your furry friend may need medical treatment. The last thing you’d want is to have a need for critical care for your furry friend and base their wellness decision on financial factors.
#4: Research Pet Insurance Providers
When we are shopping for pet insurance we may sometimes forget that we have power in the choices we make. After narrowing down your pet insurance cost options, it’s time to visit the providers’ website and evaluate the quality of their customer service.
Calling to inquire about costs and services – as well as the service quality and attention you receive – can be a good indicator of the service you will be getting once you do choose to enroll. Researching customer reviews can also be helpful and give you a sense of former customer and furry friend experiences.
Comparing Pet Insurance- Closing
Today, there are many pet insurance websites that can help you compare different coverage needs and make finding the right insurance plan and cost for you and your furry friend easier than ever. The important thing to note is to have enough information about the particular need you may face to help you rule out unnecessary features or add-ons that can drive up your pet insurance costs. Remember, you have a choice so be sure to use it.