Fluffy Cat Tails
Fluffy Cat Tails

Long haired cats have the most beautiful tails that are fluffy, bushy and majestic looking!
They wear then like royalty!
Tails helps cats to maintain balance when walking or running- particularly on narrow and high spaces. Cats without tails however quickly adapt. The extra long and fluffy tails are strictly for show and style.
Breeds with fluffy tails
Maine Coon
Norwegian Forest Cat
Ragdoll Cats
Turkish Angora
Sign language
- Time to party: Tail will be extended and relaxed, (hair is not erect)
- Scaredy cat: The tail sticks straight up, or between its legs and is cowering.
- I dare you: Your cat is ticked off and will puff up his tail and hold it high.
- Stay away: When a tail is straight in the air and quivering it is a warning to stay away.
- Hey there good looking: “Cats with raised tails that ‘hook’ at the end are often communicating they are curious or interested in you
Fearful posture – The cat is lying on its belly or crouching directly on top of its paws. Its entire body may be shaking and very near the ground when standing up. Breathing is also fast, with its legs bent near the surface, and its tail curled and very close to its body when standing on all fours. As such, a fearful and a defensive cat makes itself smaller, lowers itself toward the ground, arches its back and leans its body away from the threat rather than forward. Fighting usually occurs only when escape is impossible.
Confident posture – The cat may walk around in a more comfortable manner with its tail up to the sky. Cats often walk through houses with their tails standing up high above them, making them look grander and more elegant. In order for you cat to have a fluffy tail and health skin and fur, it’s important to ensure your provide the cat care needed for excellent health.
Do you have a fluffy tailed cat? Please post a photo in the comments below