Category: Dogs

Uses for Dog Pee Pads

Uses for Dog Pee Pads by Robert Hudson Pee pads are a must for small dogs that cannot hold it...

maltese with its tounge out lying on sofa

New Dog Preparation List

New Dog Preparation List- Adopting a dog and being prepared by Tom Bates Have you adopted a dog? Congratulations –...

a close up shot of a cavalier king charles spaniel dog

6 Of the Cutest Dog Breeds

6 Of the Cutest Dog Breeds by Sharon Bowman We’re not biased, but we think that dogs are pretty much...

Mini Doodle Dog Breeds

mini doodle dog breeds by Garrett Yamasaki Miniature doodle dogs can grow up to somewhere between 13 – 12 inches...

photo of dogs on grass

Your Dog’s Mental Health

Your dog’s mental health By: Elissa Weimer-Sentner It’s undeniable the effect that pets have on our mental health. They offer...

Buddy the German Shepherd

Buddy the German Shepherd is on a journey By Parsa Faramarzi and Buddy the Gsd Editor: Anjali Golecha and Robert...