7 Natural Ways To Get Rid Of Pet Odors to Sell Your House
Ways To Get Rid Of Pet Odors
tips by Michelle Goode

If you are ready to sell you house with we buy any home you may want to consider eliminating pet odours to maximise the price.
1. Air Your Home
As you are sweeping and cleaning your house, ensure that you open all the windows so that clean fresh air can filter inside and sweep out unpleasant odors.
Once you have you have gotten rid of the annoying pet odors, take steps to ensure that they will not return. Some of the ways you can do this is to crate your pet when you are not at home or restrict them to a single room and replacing your pet bedding regularly.
2. Scrub Surfaces Thoroughly
Ensure that you scrub all surfaces that have been soiled by your pets using a wood cleaner vinegar, an odor-neutralizing solution .
Alternatively, you can scrub tough surfaces such as cement floors with a bleach and water solution (1:9 parts respectively).
If you have stubborn hard-to-remove stains, consider hiring a professional cleaning service. This may set you back a few hundred dollars.
3. Wash Soiled Upholstery and Fabrics
Pet odors tend to seep into fabrics and upholstery. To get rid of the odors, launder, dry clean or steam fabrics that have are regularly touched by your pets. For furniture upholstery, carry out steam cleaning.
You can either purchase a steam cleaner that is specifically designed to get rid of pet hairs or you can hire a professional who has this machine.
4. Clean Your Carpeting
Clean your rugs and carpets by shampooing them or hire a professional do the job. on the size of the carpet and the level of filth contained within. Once your carpets and rugs have been cleaned, carry out a sniff test to find out whether you need to purchase deodorants which you can get from your cleaner.
If deodorant does not get rid of the unpleasant smells from your carpets and rugs, you will need to replace them. Once you have removed them from your floors, clean the floors using vinegar and an odor-neutralizing solution before replacing your carpets. If the odor has seeped deep into your sub-floor, you may have to also get rid of it.
5. Paint, Seal or Replace Your Floors/Walls
If you cannot get rid of pet odors using heavy-duty cleaners, consider adding a fresh coat of paint or replacing the affected surfaces.
If your floors/walls are made of cement, consider applying a sealant. A sealant will block the odor and prevent it from re-emerging.
6. Place Scented Candles or Potpourri in Strategic Locations Around Your House
After cleaning your home, consider lighting scented candles or placing potpourri in different areas around your home. However, do not go overboard as extreme perfume smells can put off prospective buyers. Mildly scented candles will do just fine.
7. Control Your Pet’s Urine Smells
If your pet pees indoors on pads, change the pads each time your pet pees. Throw the soiled pads in a tightly sealed trash can. Ensure that you bring out fresh pads each time there is a home viewing.
Additionally, ensure that you change the kitty litter daily and sweep around the litter box. Each time you have a house viewing, ensure that you hide the litter box away from sight.