Reptiles and Amphibians for Children
Reptiles and Amphibians.
by Stacey-The Reptile Guide

Best Reptiles and Amphibians
Contrary to popular belief, reptiles and amphibians can make great pets for children. In addition to the well-known benefits of companionship and lessons in responsibility and compassion, owning cold-blooded critters opens the door for kids to learn about biology and better hygiene practices.
Positive notes aside, reptiles and amphibians are still not every family’s cup of tea. Luckily, there are many options available. If your little one wants a snake, but the lack of eyelids and limbs freaks you out, a lizard can make a great alternative. An alternative to lizards if they are too large and active for your child’s liking, is a frog.
We’ve narrowed down some of the best pet choices for kids out of the most common types of reptiles and amphibians.

Reptiles and Amphibians: Leopard Gecko
Leopard geckos are a popular pet for children because they are both easy to care for and handle. The interaction doesn’t stress them out very much. A large enclosure isn’t required. Neither is fancy UVB lighting.
They eat a straight-forward insectivorous diet. This is much easier than figuring the right ratio of greens to protein when feeding a bearded dragon or an iguana. Once full-grown, they only need to eat two to three times per week.
Leopard geckos should have three places to hide. One on the warm side of the enclosure, one on the cool side, and one filled with dampened sphagnum moss to aid with shedding. The water dish should be shallow to prevent drowning and kept on the cool side to avoid increased humidity. Solid substrates, like paper towels or tiles, are preferred over particulate matter.
Leopard Gecko Facts at a Glance:
- Lifespan: 10-20 Years
- Size: 7-10 Inches
- Enclosure: 10-Gallon Aquarium or 20” x 10” x 12” Enclosure
- Habitat Requirements: 75-95°F; 20-40% Humidity; Terrestrial Set-Up (Prioritize floor space)
- Diet: Live insects dusted with calcium powder

Reptiles and Amphibians: Pacman Frog
Pacman frogs aren’t a great choice if your little one is looking for an interactive pet or a pet they can handle. These guys are great for learning more about science. Environmental pollutants, temperature, and humidity all affect Pacman frogs more than they would affect mammals or even reptiles.
A simple set-up involving a plastic tub, a hide box, paper towels, and a small water dish is acceptable. Most owners prefer to offer them a substrate to burrow in, like coconut coir. They’re also great candidates for what are known as bioactive enclosures, which include beneficial organisms and living plants. Pacman frogs aren’t great swimmers, so a shallow water dish is imperative.
What they lack in interactivity and handleability, they make up for in their comedic value. Pacman frogs are very enthusiastic eaters. Their feeding antics are likely to give kids and adults a healthy chuckle!
Pacman Frog Facts at a Glance:
- Lifespan: 7-15 Years
- Size: 2.5-7 Inches
- Enclosure: 10-Gallon Aquarium or 20” x 10” x 12” Enclosure
- Habitat Requirements: 70-85°F; 50-80% Humidity; Terrestrial Set-Up (substrate for burrowing and shallow, wide water dish)
- Diet: Small, live insects dusted with calcium powder

Reptiles: Children’s Python
Children’s pythons aren’t quite as common as other typical pet snakes for children, like corn snakes and ball pythons. With a name like Children’s pythons, how could we not suggest them?!
They’re named after the zoologist who first described them, John George Children.
Their care requirements are simple, and they stay the perfect size for children. Some juvenile individuals have the stereotypical python attitude and can be a bit nippy. This typically goes away with age and frequent handling.
Children’s pythons enjoy having a water dish large enough to soak in, climbing opportunities, and plenty of spaces to hide. Juveniles should be fed every week, and adults can be fed every two weeks.
Children’s Python Facts at a Glance:
- Lifespan: 30+ Years
- Size: 36 Inches
- Enclosure: 20-Gallon Aquarium or 30” x 12” x 12” Enclosure
- Habitat Requirements: 78-90°F; 50-60% Humidity
- Diet: Adult mice or young rats

Amphibians: American Toad
Similar to Pacman frogs, American toads don’t do well with frequent handling, and they aren’t incredibly interactive. Occasional handling should be fine as long as you make sure your child washes their hands before and after handling their pet.
Set-up should be similar to the Pacman frog’s because these guys aren’t particularly aquatic. They do enjoy an occasional soak. Their amphibious nature makes ambient humidity important.
Where these guys really shine is their low temperature requirements and their availability. Most households will not need to supply any supplemental heating for their toad. Being native to most of the United States, they’re commonly available for sale, and you could even make an adventure of finding one with your child. How cool would it be to find and bring home your own pet!
American Toad Facts at a Glance:
- Lifespan: 10-12 Years
- Size: 2-4 Inches
- Enclosure: 10-Gallon Aquarium or 20” x 10” x 12” Enclosure
- Habitat Requirements: 60-70°F; 50% Humidity, Terrestrial Set-Up
- Diet: Live insects dusted with calcium powder

Best Tortoise: Russian Tortoise
Of all chelonians (turtles and tortoises), Russian tortoises may just be the best choice for kids and beginners alike. They stay small enough to live in an indoor enclosure, and they’re known for being full of personality. Some keepers even compare their behavior to a dog!
Russian tortoises are rather active and love to climb and explore. Handling, holding, and touching may stress the animal. Observing their antics is the best way to interact. A 55-gallon aquarium is the minimum size enclosure. If you can go bigger these guys will appreciate the room. These guys will utilize all of the space that you give them.
Your child can feed them a healthy salad of hay and plant material three to four times a week. They’ll need a UVB bulb for basking, which must be replaced approximately every six months.
Russian Tortoise Facts at a Glance:
- Lifespan: ~100 Years
- Size: 5-10 Inches
- Enclosure: 55-Gallon Aquarium or 48” x 12” x 12” Enclosure
- Habitat Requirements: 75-88°F; 30-50% Humidity; UVB Lighting; Terrestrial (Roaming) Set-Up
- Diet: Hay, leafy greens, grasses, and other plants.
Reptiles and Amphibians are fascinating creatures that adults and children alike can appreciate.
Stacey is a lifelong reptile lover, caretaker, and author at Reptile Guide.
Reptile.Guide is an online community of lifelong reptile lovers and caretakers passionate about educating reptile pet owners on how to properly care for their pets.
2 Responses
[…] is even worse for reptiles and amphibians. As the air is less humid, they absorb the water that lizards and the other animals secrete at a […]
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